Valais Blacknose Sheep Registry
and Info

                                                                 Registry artwork by Dorota Kudyba.

Explain the Terminology Please
(This will be added to constantly  .... )
Listed Alphabetically

CIDRs.. pronounced "cedars"...Controlled Internal Drug Release..
Device inserted Intra-Vaginally for synchronization of estrus before breeding.

Ewe - mature female sheep usually over one year old

Ewe Lamb - baby girl sheep, young usually under one year old

Flock - group of sheep, not a "herd"

Genotype - part of the genetic makeup of a cell.
See Genotyping link here

Gimmer - primarily heard in the UK, a ewe between one and two years old.

Jug -
a small pen to put the ewes and lambs in after giving birth
to help with bonding.

Laparoscopic AI -
  The way these sheep are impregnated with imported Valais Blacknose semen
See this Laparoscopic AI link

Maximum Points
- an award that can be given to sheep that go to shows in UK.
See  this link  for specific information

Protocol - Procedure to follow for inseminating.
See Laparoscopic AI Protocol

Ram -
an intact male sheep

Ram Lamb -
baby boy sheep not neutered

- fatal sheep disease. Think "Mad Cow Disease"
See this link from APHIS from Fiscal Year 2017
  for useful info and statistics
See this link from APHIS regarding Genotype
and why we test.
See this link from APHIS for Scrapie specific info

Schmallenberg - aka SBV   European infectious sheep, goats, cattle disease
See this link from APHIS for Schmallenberg specific info

Shearling -
a yearling sheep that has been shorn

  - Reverse color pattern in sheep, black where white normally is on the body.

Tup -
a chiefly British word for RAM.
Also chiefly British, a verb meaning sheep mating.

- castrated male sheep, less aggressive than rams

- (rhymes with HOW) overseas people pronounce "ewe"


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